Definitions -
(1) 'Sherim' stands for gender neutral address (She/he/her/him)
(2) UNG - United Nations Guardian, UNA - United Nations Astra, UNS - United Nations Senator
(3) Minutes - Stands for monetary currency. All the names of different currencies from different countries are replaced by Seconds, Minutes and Hours.
* * *
The Supreme Force (God) can't die. Sherim is living in everything including you. You are just one of the character out of trillions of characters created by Sherim. When an actor is inside character, sherim forgets sherims real self. Just like a perfect actor, Supreme Force doesn't remember Sherims real self and hence you deny that you are God yourself. Your every thought and action is predefined irrespective of how useless/dirty or how powerful/good your thoughts and actions are.
Laughter is not happiness and static world is not peace. Happiness and Peace have become misleading words. Aim of mankind must be to achieve that state of mind which we like 24/7 and all life. Unfortunately there is no language to explain that state of mind or state of feeling. But let us call it 'VX'.
The existence of Reactionless Propulsion has demonstrated that sadnessless 'VX' universe can exist and aim of every human must be to make our universe sadnessless and achieve that 'VX' state of mind.
All the Empyrean technology is free for all the mankind. The only wish is that Empyrean technology will be used for peaceful purposes in the Universe.
Empyrean (Reactionless Propulsion) device based vehicles will be used only in space for transportation between celestial bodies. On earth or at any place in Universe when human beings reside, automated Empyrean device will not be used. In such areas only human powered Empyrean device is allowed. Primary responsibility of Dunbar is to ensure that no citizen in his block is trying to construct automated Empyrean device. Dunbar will be imprisoned for life if he fails to detect deviating citizen(s).
Every automated Empyrean device will be flown by three Pilots located at three different locations in the Empyrean vehicle. Every Pilot will have equal control over the Empyrean vehicles. These three Pilots will not have physical access to each other's cockpit. No citizen will have access to the cockpit of Empyrean Pilots.
Empyrean vehicles will be automated in such a way that when the vehicle approaches near any celestial body, its speed will get reduced automatically.
* United Nations (UN) -
UN will consist of three members of Trinity (Guardian, Astra and Senator) elected by citizens of different countries. Guardian members will choose UN Guardian (UNG), Astra members will choose UN Astra (UNA) and Senator members will choose UN Senator (UNS). Guardian members will pass Administrative laws while Astra members will pass Judiciary laws. Advisory of UNS may or may not be considered during passing of laws.
The UN will act as uniform lawmaker for all the countries and as a watchdog body. Any deviating member of Trinity of any country will be impeached by 71.79677% of all Trinity members (Guardians, Astras, Senators) from all countries. UNG, UNA and UNS can also be impeached by 71.79677% of all Trinity members of UN. VETO power will not exist with any country.
UN will have authority to deduct taxes directly from the accounts of world citizens to meet its expenses.
* Trinity Gov of Country -
Maximum size of one administrative block - (18.361688019/0.07179676972)*1836.16688019 = 469591.582214 ~ 469592 citizens.
In one country there should be 23 to 46 blocks. Maximum 92.82 ~ 93 blocks are allowed. There should be 46 countries in UN, but maximum 93 countries are allowed. These figures are based on how many people and places one citizen can know in detail and actions of how many people one citizen can follow comfortably. In Governance, these precautions are must. Otherwise ruling member won't be able to rule properly.
Minimum age for voting -
Girls - 7676 days, Boys - 8581 days.
Minimum age of Trinity members of countries and UN Trinity - 46
Trinity of Countries -
Trinity Member 1 (Guardian) - Guardian can be man or woman. Sherim will have absolute administrative and executive authority as per UN laws. Sherim will have authority to deduct taxes from accounts of all citizens to meet administrative and executive expenses.
Trinity Member 2 (Astraea) -
This member will always be only woman and she has absolute jurisdictional authority as per UN laws. She will have authority to deduct tax from accounts of citizens to meet jurisdictional expenses.
Trinity Member 3 (Senator) -
Sherim will be a member who has lost to Guardian in election. Sherim will present peoples' problem to Guardian and Astraea and sherim will act as corrective force if sherim thinks that Guardian or Astraea are not doing their work properly. But the Senator will not be able to criticize Guardian or Astraea in public. Senator will be able to criticize Guardian or Astraea only in United Nations.
Election In Countries -
Citizens convicted for intentional physical violence (except for self-defense or to protect someone), theft, forgery, rape, sexual abuse will not be able to participate in election even if they have served their punishment. Citizens convicted for all other minor crimes will be allowed to participate in the election.
Election of Astraea will be separate from election of Guardian. Election will be based on USA Presidential election model except that after each debate citizens will vote out participating candidate. Final election will be between only two surviving candidates.
Citizens will vote only through cellphones or VR systems.
Resignation or Demise of Trinity Members -
Re-election must be conducted within 26.366 days.
Guardian - Astraea will be temporary incharge of Gov for 26.366 days.
Astraea - Guardian will be temporary incharge of Judiciary for 26.366 days.
Senator - Another next candidate who has lost to Guardian will take charge.
Term and Benefits -
Country Astras and UN Astra's term will be 1393 days while Country Guardian, Country Senator, UNG and UNS's term will be 1836 days.
All 3 members of Trinity will receive equal amount of salary, equal quality of residence and security and equal amount of retirement salary. Any Country and UN Trinity member can re-contest election any number of time.
Judiciary -
In the final year of general education, it is compulsory to teach students what is crime and unethical and what punishment is given for crimes. United Nations will maintain a page in which all the laws and current changes in laws will be given. Students will be told to read this page and check it regularly every month to make them aware with current changes in laws.
Punishment for crimes by age
(1) Girl less than 12.06 ey, boy less than 13.9282 ey - No punishment to children, but some financial penalty on parents may or may not be imposed.
(2) Girl - 12.06 ey to 15.9 ey - depending upon severity of crime, punishment upto maximum 15.9 days to parents plus financial penalty. Boy - 13.9282 ey to 18.36 ey - depending upon severity of crime, punishment upto maximum 18.36 days to parents plus financial penalty.
(3) Girl 15.9 ey to 20.9 ey - depending upon severity of crime, punishment upto maximum 139 (one hundred thirty nine) days to the girl. Boy 18.36 ey to 23.36 ey - depending upon severity of crime, punishment upto maximum 1836 (one thousand eight hundred thirty six) days.
(4) Woman above 20.9 ey and man above 23.36 ey - depending upon age, severity of crime, the Astra will decide appropriate punishment.
Every case must be decided within 26.366 days. Convicted person will have 3 more chances to prove innocence. If any person is wrongly convicted, sherim will receive compensation amount as per UN laws
Death penalty to criminals - be in jail or at large - will be given only if their survival is threatening life of other citizen(s) and such death penalty will be given only by all 3 Trinity members in concurrence. Otherwise there will not be death penalty to any criminal no matter what gruesome crime sherim has done. Though after certain period and procedure, peaceful self-euthunasia will be allowed to criminals who deserve death penalty.
As per lawd formed by United Nations, Astraea will have right to train and appoint judges/lawyers, transfer them or remove them from services altogether. She will have right to interfere in any case and take decision on case. She will have right to decide what quantum of punishment is appropriate for what crime. She will have right to decide whether there is change in nature of criminal in jail and whether to release that criminal.
* Net
Internet and television network will be replaced by Intranet. All gov functions, businesses, voting etc will be done via intranet. Every citizen will have sherims cellphone number as Unique Identification Number (UIN) and there will be only this UIN based access to the intranet. Intranet will have highest speed data and expenses of intranet will be publicly funded. UNG will appoint intranet CEO recommended by public to oversee intranet. Intranet servers will have 3 copies in possession of 3 members of UN Trinity. UN Guardian, UN Astraea and UN Senator will insure that there is exact same data on all 3 servers. If intranet CEO wants to edit intranet, it will be watched by experts appointed by UN Trinity to avoid fraudulent changes in intranet system.
Every citizen will have personal and business pages on intranet. On business page, they will give info about their business and business or body location. If business is online oriented, the citizen will state the price and they will receive payment after other citizens click price tags.
No physical money will be printed. There will not be any bank and insurance company. The intranet will itself act as bank and insurance company. All the financial transactions will be carried out via intranet. If a citizen wants to offer sherims saving as loan, sherim will decide loan interest amount and intranet will automatically transfer loan amount to willing loanee after checking loanee's income background. There will not be any middle-man human interference whatsoever in intranet financial transactions.
Health of all citizens will be protected irrespective of their financial status. Amount of medical expenses will be reimbursed to the hospital directly after Dunbar's approval. Dunbar's approval is necessary only to confirm that hospital is not being reimbursed fraudulently and the citizen has indeed gone through some suffering. This reimbursement amount will be deducted through accounts of all citizens. All the hospitals and medical shops will be connected to each other via intranet and medical history of any patient can be accessed by any doctor and watchers in health department of Guardian.
Intranet will have search engine through which people can find work as per their skill and GPS location. Also people will be able to search nearby businesses as per GPS location.
On business page of citizen, sherim will have option to request recommendation for some job.
Advertisements in current format of any company will not run anywhere on intranet. The company which wants to advertise their products will offer monetary payment to citizens who create successful interesting advertisement of the product. Advt makers will earn money from citizens through LIKES of citizens and companies will also pay money to advt makers as per number of LIKES and views of the advt.
* Economy -
One Empyrean Year (ey) = 1836.1688019/5 = 367.23376038 days.
Full body growth -
Boy - 18.361688019 ey
Girl - 18.361688019/1.1547005383492 = 15.9016882808 ey
Puberty start age -
Boy - 18.361688019/(1+1/π) = 13.92820323 ey
Girl - 15.9016882808/(1+1/π) = 12.0621778289 ey
Cost of one time full decent food for both males and females - (12.92820323 + 14.92820323)/2 = 13.92820323 minutes.
Age to start education -
1836 days (+/- 183 days)
Age to start work -
Female - 15.9 ey, Male - 18.36 ey
Age for marriage -
Female - 7676 days, Male - 8581 days.
One day work time and payment for both males and females -
13.9282*2*13.9282 = 387.9895~388 minutes. Includes 28 minutes lunch time. Active work time 360 minutes. Payment - 387.9895 minutes.
Work Year -
In 5 days week, citizens will work for 4 days while fifth day will be holiday.
In 365 days year, there will be total 122 days holidays.
Per Head Money in circulation -
13.9282*367.233*13.9282*2 =142482.5519 minutes
If the population increases by one citizen, 27.8564 minutes will be added every day to the accounts of all citizens for 13.9282 ey. If population decreases by one citizen, 142482.5519 minutes will be removed instantaneously from accounts of all citizens.
Almost all the businesses will be carried out through companies. Food and clothes production and distribution, house building will be compulsorily done through companies.
All saleable items will be bar coded and account coded. It will help Guardian to decide how much work force is needed for which industry.
* Payments
Boiled Rice is defined as cheapest basic food. If the cost of 717.9676 grams of boiled rice is X, then minimum salary which every person should get for 360 minutes of work is X*13.9282.
Salaries of citizens in non-profit companies (e.g government) willdefined by LIKES they or their companies receive on intranet. For example, salaries of intranet CEO and all employees will be defined by how much good work sherims have done. Sherims and intranet page will receive LIKES accordingly which will define Sherims' Salaries.
If some citizens can't find work, Guardian will create ANY usable work and payment amount to these citizens will be deducted from accounts of citizens who are earning more than 388 minutes per day.
Physically and psychologically handicapped citizens who can't work will be moved to Guardian's Shelter. Decent food, clothes, medicare etc will be provided to them. Amount of these expenses will be recovered from accounts of ALL citizens. No person will be allowed to die due to hunger or unattended illness and no citizen will be allowed to beg on streets. This will be FIRST responsibility of the Guardian.
* Education
Basic education - 13.9282 ey, Middle education - 18.361688 ey, Higher education - 8581 days.
Basic education - 12.06218 ey, Middle education - 15.9 ey, Higher education - 7676 days
Basic education - Reading, writing, general understanding of how things around the students works
General education - No-Risk Work oriented. Jobs which doesn't involve risk of lives of other citizens and which doesn't involve big amount of money. Unnecessary stuff like higher mathematics will not be taught in this category. No entrance exams or interviews will be conducted for these jobs. Only marks obtained in school will be considered to offer jobs.
Higher education - Risk oriented jobs. Jobs which needs modern skills to manage work involving lives of other citizens, big amount of money and leadership qualities. For example; medical science, engineering, all other sciences and civil services. Entrance exam or interviews may or may not be conducted to offer job. If general knowledge based entrance exams are must, the question to students will be asked only from United Nations Education Council's syllabus. General knowledge is increasing exponentially and students will not be burdened with unnecessary general knowledge which doesn't have any value in real life.
UN Education Council will publish accurate data of all the sciences and engineering. This data will include detailed text with accurate figures, how to make any machine existing in the universe with videos, detailed medical science etc. Schools and colleges will teach students only this UN published data.
It will be compulsorily explained to the students that mankind is still trying to understand God and how this Universe or Universes works. It will encourage students to become creative.
* Marriages - The boy and girl must not have known blood relationship to each other. Marriagible age for boy is 8581 days and for girl it is 7676 days. The age of groom must not exceed by 2.4641 ey than age of bride. Divorces are banned. Sex with any other person outside marriage is banned. In case of second marriage, widowed woman will marry only widowed man. Third marriage is banned. If a wife is facing threat from her husband, she will live separately at distant location. If the wife doesn't have job, Guardian will provide job to her. All children of couple will live with the mother. If the couple has more than one child, father will have to provide money for expenses of other children. No divorce will be granted in any case.
* Women -
Girls will be taught only by female teachers and boys will be taught only by male teachers. Girls education syllabus will differ from boys' education syllabus.
There will not be any kitchen and washing machine/material in homes. Women will work only in services where physical strength and psychological aggression is not necessary. For example, services like presentation in visual media, beautification industries, shops, work in offices, restaurants, laundry services etc are reserved only for women. Porn and prostitution in any form in real life or virtual life is completely banned and strictly punishable by imprisonment.
Empyrean theory has revealed why cone shaped thighs of women create erection in men. So far sex is concerned, women are magnet and men are iron. Sexual feelings in men do not arise at all if there is not even photo of woman for man to see. The intensity of these sexual feelings increases with visuals of more and more body of women. Especially thighs and breasts of women are part of magnetic flux lines and these magnetic flux lines create more and more intensity to arouse men. Sometime men lose control over body and women suffer from rape. To eliminate problem of rapes, wearing of short clothes by women in real and virtual life is banned. Distribution of visuals of wearing short clothes to show cleavage and legs above knees is completely banned. Violation will attract only financial penalty, not physical imprisonment. But if violator is a citizen other than the woman herself, then the violator will face physical imprisonment. Financial penalty to the violating woman will range from 7.18% to 92.82% of total profit (more than 388 minutes per day) earned by the woman. The artificial intelligence of intranet will auto-detect visuals of short clothes, it will remove such visuals and penalty amount will be automatically deducted from the account of violating woman.
In case of rape or incest,, if there is no harm to physical health of woman, abortion is compulsory. Incest perpetrators will be imprisoned for life.
* Health and Education -
The UN will pass "Right Food And Drink Laws" manual in which details of healthy food and drink will be given which doesn't cause illness, diseases, obesity, malnutrition etc and which makes all the citizens to feel good all the time physically and psychologically. All the countries in the universe will have to implement these guidelines.
Aim of World Health Organisation under UN will be to wipe out existence of insects/animals like mosquitoes and snakes which spread diseases and kill humans or cause illness. WHO will devise system so that every citizen gets pure drinking water of appropriate temperature from the government and all the current water bottle making companies will be closed.
* Security -
UIN of every citizen will be transmitted to Trinity servers 24/7 alongwith location through cellphone or VR system around sherims head.
There will be one Dunbar living among 131 people. This Dunbar will live permanently among 131 people in his block unless his transfer or removal is warranted. Dunbar will act as spy/psychologist/police/soldier/emergency worker. He/she will know each of 131 people in details and hence this Dunbar will detect deviant attitude of people in society. He/she will inform higher authorities and happenings of crimes will be stopped.
All the areas in society will be under camera surveillance and data will be uploaded directly to Trinity servers. Every person will wear VR system around his/her head. 360 degree cameras will be fixed in this system and data will be uploaded directly to Trinity servers.
There will be only non-lethal weapons and they may be given to Dunbars only. No other weapons will be manufactured. No citizen will be allowed to possess any kind of weapon.
Transfer of parents property to which child will be randomly decided by the intranet. To avoid unequal wealth distribution between children, parents should take care that they have equal property in their names.
All the items which can be stolen and resold will be compulsorily engraved with owners UNI which will be permanent.
Inter-country, inter-planetary, inter-religion, inter-race, inter-caste marriages will be allowed and encouraged by the governments of all countries. Any citizen in the universe will be able to buy property and settle down at any location in the universe. United Nations will pass laws to this effect.
Comments visibility to all public is permanently banned on the uploads by the citizen on sherims personal and business pages. If the citizen enable comments, comments by other citizens will be visible only to the uploader.
Citizens will be able to criticize Guardian or Astra or post any message regarding their problems or give suggestions only on page of Senator. Comments of citizens will be visible only to the Senator. Public criticism or protest by the people - violent or peaceful - on streets is completely banned. If Guardian or Astra has erred, corrective action will be taken by the United Nations.
Visibility of number of followers/friends to public is permanently banned. This figure will be visible to the person who is being followed. There will not be any such thing as 'friend request'. Real relatives friends and acquaintances will allow messages from each others.
There will be two inboxes. In private inbox messages of people allowed by the citizen will be displayed. In general inbox, messages from rest of public will be displayed. If sender deletes message, it will also get deleted from inbox of recipient.
There will not be any such thing as 'discussion forums' on intranet because criticism always results in blocking users, abuses and one sided discussion is useless. Only question and answer pages may be allowed.
* Drugs -
Only Light Beer and E-cigarettes are allowed. Minimum age for drinking beer; girls - 7676 days, boys - 8581 days. Minimum age for smoking for boys - 8581 days. Smoking is banned for women.
Light beer with 1.392820323% i.e 1.39% alcohol will be sold without permission of government and will be available everywhere. Citizens can buy any amount of this light beer. Only this light beer will be manufactured and sold, preferably through beer cans.
Percentage of nicotine in E-cigarette will be defined by WHO and it will be implemented strictly.
Use, manufacturer and sell of strong beer/wine/liquor is completely banned. Use, manufacture and sell of all other drugs are completely banned. Violation will attract strict punishment.
No health warnings will be printed on E-cigarette or light beer since ill effects of these drugs are already taught in schools.
* Ethics -
Don't do anything to other human beings and animals which you don't want to be done to yourself - all the humans in the Universe will follow only this line. Non-veg food is allowed, but citizens must remember this golden rule and they should avoid non-veg food to maximum extent possible.
* Festivals
Manufacture and sell of only light flashing and noise making firecrackers is completely banned. Only beautiful design and beautiful sound/music making firecrackers are allowed. Use of harmful colors for celebration is completely banned. Killing animals publicly for celebration is completely banned. The United Nations will pass laws on how to celebrate some festival and it will be compulsorily implemented by all the countries.
* Religions
The God-In-Human-Actor (First Actor) and human beings are growing. First Actor is God in character, not God Himself/Herself. While some people have grown equally with First Actor , many others are still growing or refusing to grow. Because of this disparity in human growth, people are allowed to follow old religions. The United Nations will treat such people as children who are still growing and trying to understand God and Universe. But these children must not be allowed to fight on streets and to interfere in implementation of laws. If any damage to property or life occurs, the compensation will be recovered through the accounts of all citizens living in affected area.
" Suicide -
Citizen who wants to end sufferings and abandon sherims body, memories and location will be allowed to committ suicide so that sherim can take rebirth with new body and memories at some new location. Medical shops will provide pills which causes painless death. These pills will be provided to the citizen free of cost. The United Nations will make law to this effect.
* Jedi Council
The Empyrean theory and technology marks the end of logical world and magical world - which had taken back seat and made mankind to believe that "supernatural" doesn't exist - will now make its existence appear in front of mankind. It is very difficult to see how the Wizards will shape new world. But to streamline their powers for the better use of mankind, a Jedi Council will be formed under United Nations which will define behaviour of all the Wizards in the Universe.
* Stage One -
United Nations will consist of Trinity members from each country. In current system, head of government will serve as Guardian, head of state will serve as Astra while leader of opposition will serve as Senator. All these Trinity members will agree on Universal laws which must be applied by every country on earth and in space. Universal laws will remove current impurities from the world society and it will minimise possibility of some citizen(s) deviating and causing catastrophe.
* Stage 2
A Renaissance Council (RC) will be formed under United Nations. Every country will send 3 members to this council.
Member 1 - Internet/cellphone expert
Member 2 - Banking/Finance expert
Member 3 - Security expert
Renaissance Council will register a website, say intranet.gov. This website will replace internet in future and there will be only single server.
RC will agree on very simple design of website. Intranet will act as virtual representation of real life. For example, in real life a person walks on street with only sherims face. We can't tell any other details just by face until we ask sherim. Likewise on intranet only photo or few seconds video of the citizen will serve as identity. Of course, government will know all details of the citizen, but to other citizens only face and page id will be visible until the citizen chooses to disclose some of sherims details.
Cellphone number (with country code) will be basic id of page of citizen. Citizens will be able to choose text name as the id of their page.
RC will choose the design of app, but following points should be considered.
When some person approaches within 131.83 centimetres radius, photo/video of that person will be displayed on the screen alongwith blank field to enter amount and 'send money' bar. If the approaching person has sent money, amount will be displayed on the screen. In some places like shop or transport vehicle, amount will be displayed on screen of citizen and sherim will pay the amount.
On intranet, on personal and business pages of citizens, against uploaded contents, there will be three bars - AES (pay), LIKE and VIEWS. AES amount will be defined by the citizen to view full contents. When the viewer click on LIKE, some RC defined amount will be automatically paid to the uploader. VIEWS will show number of citizens who has viewed the contents. There will not be any DISLIKE button.
Citizen will be able to upload contents as per RC guidelines, but in default gov rolling previews, 13.9282 seconds (continuous clip or multiple clips) chosen by the citizen will be shown. Image will be shown for 3 seconds while 132 character long text will be shown for 7.18 seconds. Audio clips 13.9282 seconds long will keep rolling even if mobile or VR screen is off.
Tentative lengths of texts - tweet - 132 characters, note - 718 characters, letter - 1836 characters, article - 1836 words, paper - 6361 words.
Tentative lengths of visuals - 13.93 seconds, 92.82 seconds, 278 seconds, 718 seconds, 1836 seconds, 12470.76 seconds.
Tentative length of audio - 278 seconds, 360 seconds.
Standard resolution of images will be defined by RC.
Government's default rolling previews will show the contents language/category/hashtag wise. Some citizens will share these contents on their playlist and other citizens will be able to follow such playlists. Playlist creators can decide fee of their work.
Citizens will choose price of their contents and RC will design the intranet in such a way that citizens will be paid for their creativity instantly by the end users.
Citizens will be able to invest in any company directly on page of that company. Data of all companies will be shown on page maintained by UN and citizens will be able to buy or sell shares on this page.
Existing websites will advise users to link their mobile numbers to their accounts. These websites will eliminate all the porn and spurious data. After that these websites will transfer data of users to the pages of users on intranet. Afterwards, these existing websites will act as playlist or channel creators on internet. Income of such playlists or channels will come if citizens like their playlist or channel.
* Stage 3
Number of all the government security forces in the country including military, paramilitary, police etc - S
Population of country - P
P/S = X.
Every member of security force is called 'Dunbar'. Every Dunbar will be assigned population block of X number of people surrounding his home. If homes of 2 or more Dunbar exist within same block, they will be assigned nearest block to their homes.
In every country, United Nations will deploy one foreign Dunbar per 93 local Dunbars. This step is necessary to keep eye on local Dunbars just in case local Dunbars are deviating from their duties.
The government - through chain of commands - will upload mobile phone numbers of every Dunbar to intranet server. Intranet will verify these phone numbers by SMS.
Every citizen will be told to link sherims only one mobile number to sherims all bank accounts. Dunbar will approach every member in his block with fingerprints scanning mobile phone and he will upload fingerprints of the citizens with their mobile phone numbers. If citizen wants to keep sherims mobile number private or change it to avoid calls, sherim will extend sherims mobile number by secret digits.
The financial data of all citizens alongwith their phone numbers existing in all the banks and other e-commerce platforms will be uploaded to the intranet server as per the instructions given by RC. The app in mobile phone of citizen will show this amount and sherim will be able to carry out day-to-day transactions through the mobile phone.
The citizen will handover hard currency in their hands to the bank and bank will upload the amount to the intranet server.
The government will decide average cost of food which average middle class person eats in day-to-day life. Suppose this cost is Y. There is X amount in the account of citizen. Then the server will convert this amount to universal currency of minutes by using following formula -
(X/Y)×13.9282 = Z minutes.
If population is P, there must be total P×142482.82 minutes in the server. Any shortfall or excess will be wiped out by debiting or crediting proportionate amount to the account of every citizen.
To disburse loan automatically, server must know income history of atleast 1836 days of loanee. Bank officials will oversee this job for 1836 days. After that, traditional banks will cease to exist.
Every citizen will be insured with minimum 142482.82 minutes amount. Non refundable minimum insurance premium will be deducted from sherims account.
Men's retirement age is 63.6 years while women's retirement age is 61.14 years. To avoid financial instability after retirement, every citizen will have to save minimum amount of 142482.82 minutes until retirement day. So until the retirement age, amount of 142482.82 will be deducted from sherims account. After retirement age, this amount of 142482.82 will serve as sherims pension fund. The citizen will be able to use this pension fund at sherims will.
United Nations will define rate of taxes and these taxes will be deducted directly from the accounts of citizens and companies. Indirect taxation like taxing physical or virtual goods is not allowed. Rate of taxes will be uniform in all the countries in the Universe.
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