AbhiJeet Patil, +91 7972809442, abhiriksh@gmail.com, Chinawal village, Maharashtra, India
(This is 09 October 2018 version. Further discovered theory not added)
My paper 'Investigation of Propagation of Compression Waves in Materials during Addition/ Removal of Force' is published in Research & Reviews Journal of Pure And Applied Physics.
In this article, pure geometry is used to arrive at hydrogen to electron mass ratio. Also neutron to electron mass ratio, proton to electron mass ratio, basic nuclear fission of hydrogen atom and mass of helium atom is calculated through pure geometry.
Secondly, after explaining source mechanism of Newton's third law, a experiment is given to stop reaction of a body. Also basic reactionless propulsion device is given.
Thirdly, a experiment is given to prove that when force is removed, speed of information of removal of force is instantaneous. Also it's explained how to use White Sunlight to send instantaneous signal all over the Universe.
[A] Geometrical Principles of Natural Philosophy
Scientific data from internet used in this article -
(1) 1 amu = 931.4940954 Mev
(2) Mass of electron = 0.5109989461(13) Mev
(3) Mass of hydrogen atom = 1.00784 amu
(4) Mass of Proton = 938.2720813(58) Mev
(6) Proton/Electron mass ratio = 1836.15267389(17)
(7) Mass of helium atom = 4.002602
Space is nothing but gravity. Mass is compressed gravity and magnetism is semi-compressed gravity. Electromagnetic radiation is expanding spherical wave of magnetic flux line, while sound is expanding spherical wave of mass.
In figure 1, primary cyan colored gravity sphere is shown. Inside this gravity sphere, there are 3 spheres touching each other and to the circumference of this gravity sphere. At the centre, there is one small sphere touching circumference of these 3 spheres. AG is radius (R) of gravity sphere, while DG is radius (r') of small sphere. Ratio of radius DG to radius AG is 0.07179676972 and this ratio is always constant. Here radius AG = R = 1, hence radius DG = r' = 0.07179676972.
The purpose of 3 spheres is just to show that 0.07179676972 is geometric constant. Whole theory is based on this geometric constant and value of π.
For the moment, these 3 spheres do not play any part in this theory. Hence they are removed. But the small sphere is important. Hence it is kept.
The point G pulls the gravity towards it until the radius R of gravity sphere is reduced from 1 to 0.01. Hence correspondingly, radius r' is reduced from 0.07179676972 to 0.0007179676972.
While pulling gravity near the point G, as shown in fig 2, the point G also pulls two opposite points N and S on the circumference of small circle towards it. Due to this, as shown in fig 2, the shape of small sphere turns into a shape which we see in magnetic flux lines. Now we call this small magnetic flux lined shape as Electron. But for the sake of geometric calculation we convert shape of electron to a sphere. As volume of real electron and sphere is same, it doesn't make any difference
The point G pulls these two poles - N and S - only until half the radius (r) of electron sphere. So the total length of circumference converted in radius is 0.5r*4=2r.
Original radius of electron sphere r' = 0.0007179676972
Original circumference = 2πr'
Now the reduced circumference plus 2r must be equal to 2πr'. Hence
2πr' = 2πr + 2r = r(2π+2)
r = 2πr'/(2π+2)
r' = 0.0007179676972
Hence r = 0.0005446122377
Ultimately, this radius 'r' is compressed radius AG (R). Radius AG = R =1. Here most important thing to note is that cube of '1' is always 1. Originally there was One gravity sphere. There was nothing - not even space - outside this gravity sphere. This gravity is compressed into electron sphere to form mass And again there's nothing - not even space - outside this electron sphere. So basically again there's only One sphere. Hence just like 1 is free from cube, reduced radius 0.0005446122377 is also free from cube because it is just compressed '1' figure.
The volume of electron sphere = (4/3)πr^3 = 4.18879020478*0.0005446122377 = 0.00228126640
The point G compresses gravity to form such 1836 electrons. In the end, mass sphere of radius 1 is filled with such compressed 1836 electrons.
The volume of mass sphere = (4/3)πR^3 = 4.18879020478
Ratio of volume of mass sphere to volume of electron sphere
(4/3)πR^3/(4/3)πr^3 = R^3/r^3 = 1^3/0.0005446122377^3 = 1/0.0005446122377 = 1836.1688019
When one more electron is absorbed by mass sphere, this mass sphere to electron sphere volume ratio is 1837.1688019.
Henceforth this mass sphere is called Plasma ion.
The experimental value of mass of hydrogen is 938.790. So the mass ratio of hydrogen to electron is 1837.16621563 which is very close to geometric value of 1837.1688019.
This geometric derivation of plasma ion imply that there must be only plasma (hydrogen atom without electron) at the moment of creation of universe. And our observations of space has indicated that still most of the universe is filled with plasma.
Explaination of fraction 0.1688019
The fraction 0.1688019 of electron mass (0.00228126640) is 0.00038508210272616.
Volume of sphere of radius 1 = 4.18879020478
Dividing by 2, we get 2.09439510239. Further dividing this volume by 10 million, we get 0.000000209439510239
Now 0.00038508210272616/0.000000209439510239 = 1838.63160435 which is value of Neutron/Electron mass ratio.
So the meaning of fraction 0.1688019 is that there is miniature neutron at the centre of proton and this miniature neutron acts like a black hole to hold the 1836 electrons in proton together. This miniature neutron is also source of gravity and magnetism.
Proton/Electron mass ratio
0.07179676972^3 = 0.00037009627
This inner radius is compressed 10 times. So it's 0.000037009627.
Now this inner radius pushes the mass lines at north and south pole in outward direction. So the mass lines expands and become charge lines or magnetic flux lines. The volume of mass loss is exactly equal to length of this inner radius i.e 0.000037009627. So now the volume of ion is 4.18879020478-0.000037009627 = 4.1887531951
So we get proton to electron mass ratio = 4.1887531951/0.00228126640 = 1836.15258400 which is almost equal to experimental mass ratio of 1836.15267389
Nuclear Fission (or Fusion) of Hydrogen
During fission, plasma ion loses radius equal to 0.07179676972^2 - 0.07179676972^3 =0.00478467986. Due to loss of this radius, plasma ion loses volume equal to 26.211076704 electrons which tallies with experimental mass difference of 26.2113135457. (Experimental mass of hydrogen atom is 1.00784 amu and that of helium is 4.002602).
Kinetic energy equal to 0.211076704 electron is distributed to 26 electrons. This comes out to be 4.2 Kev per electron which is average energy observed in solar axion.
Proof-2: Reactionless Propulsion
Electromagnetic radiation, sound energy and any energy are spherical waves. The motion of mass occurs only when there is difference of density of mass. When you throw ice, you see 'particle motion' of ice, not 'wave motion'. This is because density of ice is more than density of water or air.
So when density of mass varies, spherical wave gets reduced to two opposite cones ABD and AFG, as shown in figure - 0. Bases of these cones i.e BD and FG are equal to radius of mass of two bodies BD and FG. These two oppositely facing cones are source reason of Newton's third law of motion.
If this theory of motion of wave and mass is correct, a thought occurred to see what happens when mass FG is shifted to centre point A. A experiment was carried out.
In this device all the angles are flexible. Frictionless surface was created by pouring oil on floor. But this device is so perfect that you will not have to worry about frictionless surface thing. Also this device was put on empty plastic bottles as I think it's best method to remove friction doubt from your mind.
One body A is placed on point A, while second body C of the same mass is placed on point C. Mass of all lines in this device i.e AB, BC, DC and DA is very less compared to mass of two bodies; body A and body C. When attractive or repulsive force is applied between point A and point C, only point C moves. Hence only body C moves while point A and body A do not change their position. It's worth repeating that body A and point A do NOT change their position in space at all.
This design is modified to create basic reactionless propulsion device. In modified design, one end C of long stripe CE is fixed to point C, while other end E can move to and fro over point A. The weight is put on the stripe CE. So both points A and C experience the weight. Now rubber band was used as attractive force between point A and point C. The weight on stripe CE accelerates and due to its momentum, whole device also accelerates in the direction of motion of weight.
There must be better method to accelerate this reactionless device, but I haven't found it yet.
(3) Instantaneous Speed of Force
Description of figure
Figure-1 shows simple device used for this experiment. All device is made of same material. Plank AB and plank DE are for motion of ball. Gap BD is very small compared to circumference of the ball. Length BCD can be increased by replacing the coil with "springs-within-springs" structure. Plank DE can be held in hand or put on weighing machine or can be attached to one end of see-saw.
Currently accepted premises
Premise-1: When ball is put on plank AB, this information of addition of weight does propagate with speed of sound to point D through path BCD of coil in time period x.
Premise-2: When the ball is removed from plank AB, this information regarding removal of weight is transferred to point D in same manner i.e through path BCD in compression waves in same time period x.
(1) Rigorous Google, YouTube and online science libraries search was carried out to find the supporting experiment on which both premises are based. None was found. Personal inquiries were made with learned acamadicians and internet discussion forums to find out whether any experiment is carried out in history to test both premises. None was able to point out any such experiment. One person suggested that I should read all latin language books as he believed that scientists must have carried out such experiment in history. (What?) So it is reasonable to think that acamadicians have arrived at both premises on 'it is obvious" logic.
(2) It was decided to test this "it is obvious" logic in scientific manner. If both premises are true, these premises won't contradict any Physics law. But if one or both premises are wrong, certainly the wrong premise(s) will contradict some Physics law.
(3) Premise-1 was put under rigorous logic and thought experiments to find whether it contradicts law of conservation of energy. No such contradiction was found. So Premise-1 is true.
(4) Premise-2 was put to test.
(a) We remove ball from point B of plank AB. As per premise-2, this information of removal of weight of ball starts propagating across path BCD to point D. It takes time period of x to reach this info to point D. As per premise-2, during this time period x, point D will keep experiencing weight of ball even though ball doesn't exist on point B of plank AB.
(b) ) Now this sub-section must be read very carefully with utmost concentration and calm mind (this warning is always ignored).
During this time period of x, we put the same ball on point D. Point D will immediately experience weight of ball. But it must be remembered that during this time period of x, point D is experiencing weight of ball as if the ball is still on point B of plank AB. So point D will treat this ball - which we put on it during time period of x - as second ball. Hence as per premise-2, during this time period of x, point D is experiencing weight of two balls. But in reality there is only one ball all the time.
(5) It is not necessary to remove ball from point B of plank AB and put it on point D of plank DE by using our hand. We can set the ball in motion on plank AB. As per accepted premises as long as ball is moving only on plank AB, plank DE will not feel any increase or decrease of weight equal to weight of ball. But when the ball crosses very small gap BD, suddenly - as per accepted premises - point D will feel weight of 2 balls when in reality there is only one ball all the time.
(6) If premise-2 is correct, then we can construct many experiments to create "free energy". For example, if plank DE is attached to one end of see-saw and if initially see-saw was balanced, then during this propagation delay of time period x, one end of see-saw will experience increased weight and hence other end of see-saw will go up. Thus we can lift weights without spending any energy.
(7) When photon is emitted by bulb, the energy in battery decreases at exactly same moment no matter how far away the battery is. You can't say that we have used energy, but it is still stored in battery due to propagation delay. You can't have your cake and eat it (too).
Free energy can not be created, hence speed of information of removal of force is instantaneous.
Experiment to be performed to send instantaneous signal over desired distance
Sun emitts most of its energy in visible light spectrum. This is because when plasma ion absorbs electron, 13.6 electron volts energy is emitted. 13.6 electron volts is sum of energies of VIBGYOR colors exiting from prism. We call this 13.6 ev energy as 'white light'.
Sun can be compared with dam of water and white light ray can be compared with water flowing in pipe from this dam. Just like water flowing in pipe doesn't have water waves, white light ray doesn't have waves. Now on earth when this 'water in pipe' passes through prism, this 'water' gets compressed due to gravity around proton. When this water passes near the centre of proton, it gets more compressed, hence creates high frequency waves. When this water passes away from proton, it gets less compressed, hence creates low frequency waves.
This white light is expanding magnetic flux line. And magnetic flux line is semi-compressed gravity or semi-compressed mass. That is why photon applies force. And as this white light is continuous column like water column, this force of photon is applied directly from the sun. It can be compared with our water in pipe and dam anology. When you feel force of water on earth, this force is coming directly from the dam i.e sun. Now if you 'cut-off' this water supply at sun's end, that means the sun can not exert force on this 'white water'. And this information regarding removal of force will propagate to the other end of 'pipe' on the earth instantaneously.
We can construct lasers of 'white light' to apply force of white column at any distance. When this laser is switched off, force of white column at other end will cease to exist instantaneously.
But I think it's better to use white sunlight to send signal all over the Universe.
We have a new theory to explain Physics phenomenon in geometric way. And also we have travel kit of Universe - reactionless propulsion device and experiment to send instantaneous signal all over the Universe.
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