Message To Media
To BBC News, UK; Aaj Tak, India And other Worldwide Media Respected Sir/Madam - Please read my following messages. Thank You. -Abhi. (1) MESSAGE TO PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA (Submitted via PMOPG/E/2019/0110370) To Sri Narendra Modi Prime Minister of India Respected Sir - I request you to read this text very carefully. Any distraction is going to cause deaths and injuries to millions and millions of Indians and people worldwide. One of my paper is published in a Physics Journal. I am giving link just to tell you that what I have written here is not hoax or insanity. (Please see my bio for links) My full theory is posted on my blog. (Please see my bio for links) You may ignore everything in this theory except Reactionless Propulsion (Empyrean) Device. I must emphasis here that I have experimentally tested most basic mechanism of this device and it works. It will be used to propel Empyrean spacecraft with enormous speed in space using just electricity. Unfortunately this enormous speed c...