Empyrean Walk Prologue
If I go to Kashmir and tell so-called bad people that enormous speed of this Empyrean (Reactionless Propulsion) device after impact on ground can generate more energy than nuke detonation and it is easy for even illiterate person to build such missiles, then certainly it is going to cause deaths of millions or even billions. I am not planning to do such act at this very moment. But I just wonder how long I can tolerate extreme stupidity of so-called good people and their extreme torture to me.
I was always open for criticism, but so-called good people just don't talk. Now at least some of world's top most brains have accepted and published my paper (without any fee).
But dumbness of other so-called good people - right from my family members to people on internet - continues.
Total dumbness of so-called good people is only forbidding progress of science and it is also killing quest of mankind to understand origin of this Universe and God.
I just can't sit in front of so-called good people when they refuse to talk anything at all. I view it as direct attempt of so-called good people to force me to committ suicide. When you are not explaining mistakes of me in logical way and thereby attempting to eliminate me makes you bad people.
Having said this, I know very well that every person - including me - is robot of God and perhaps that God wants to create BIG DRAMA on this Earth before unveiling BIG THINGS. I am trying to avoid it. But I am just another of His robot.
And robots can change their 'minds' any moment, but right at this moment this robot has decided to atleast cross Nepal-China border without any money, passport and visa. This robot will start walking in North direction and whenever this robot want food, vehicle lift and other necessary things, so-called good people must give it to me without slight dissent. Nepal and China governments must allow me to cross border without slight dissent. Because dissent of so-called good people means this robot is bad and then I will change my course and go to Kashmir to meet fellow bad people. Let that millions of years old nonsense and childish play - Good Vs Bad - continue. God should grow up, but it seems He is refusing to grow up.
The third alternative is always suicide, but since childhood I have noticed that whenever I am hell-bent on committing suicide, that God gives me something to live on. If He allows me to committ suicide, then I will be happiest person.
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