Note - 7
If I need money for invention (now I don't) why I resigned from LIC? Why don't I try to find job to earn money? What the hell is going on?
I think during last few days I have figured out what was going on in this chaotic life.
(1) On the eve of Rama Navami - 17 April 2005 - I discovered solution to Newton's third law in Hotel Staywel, Dadar. But from 26 December 2004 to 8 June 2005 I was surviving in Mumbai on Society loan of one lakh rupees. i was indeed in suicide mode. Somehow -accidentally - I discovered Solution to Newton's third law. So this invention was basically invented using public money. Yes, later on I repaid that loan but on 17 April 2005 that invention happened on public money.
(2) On 25 June 2016 I woke up and decided to disclose this invention. (Why I remained silent for 11 years, it's different story). I asked my brother just eight hundred rupees and the horror show of typical Indian family began. I am sure that because of such aboriginal mindset of Indians - be rich Indian or poor Indian - not a single invention or scientific theory came out of India. Read Aryan migration theory - even all ancient texts and all Indian Gods were created by Aryans. But let me put it aside for now.
My brother did dilly dallying for many days and finally gave me 750 rupees. I failed to prepare invention properly. In 11 years I had forgotten some minor details. Somehow I thought that I never had invention and I simply collapsed in utter horror.
After leaving LIC, I had given my brother fifty thousand rupees. He kept it in bank in FD. In July 2016, those 50,000 rupees had become 77,000 rupees. Now I won't elaborate family drama, how I was mentally thrown here and there; and how I started Ramayana research for my website to earn money. Now I KNOW it was trick of God to force me to read every word written by Valmiki. I know somethings about Ramayana which none of so - called one billion Hindus know. Anyway I lost almost 74,000 rupees on Ramayana project. Only then somehow I again turned towards this invention. And it worked! Not only solution to Newton's third law but on 28 June 2017 night I figured out and propelled this Reactionless propulsion device. Not just that, I also improved my instantaneous speed of gravity/force logical experiment.
BUT note that this reactionless propulsion and instantaneous speed invention happened on final 3,000 rupees in my pocket. Technically these 3,000 rupees were interest money paid by bank and obviously this interest money came to bank through public.
So basically this reactionless propulsion and instantaneous speed inventions also happened on public money.
(3) Now theory and equations. I invented above inventions on very abstract ideas. I couldn't have called it theory. And I didn't have single equation. But again utmost frustration had pushed me suicide mode. 9 October 2018 was departure date. Somehow He started downloading theory and equations since morning of 21 September 2018. But in this case also the mobile I used for calculator and Internet was bought on public money. Food and shelter was given by family.
Yes, I have lost may be million rupees on this project. But inventions and equations occurred to me only when I used public money. These coincidence occurred to me just 2 days ago.
Why the hell He didn't allow me to do inventions and equations on my earned money?
Let me guess...
He knew that He is going to torture me. He knew that before suicide - as a reaction - I will morally block all mankind to use these inventions and theory. So He involved public money in these inventions and theory to tell me that without public energy I could not have done it.
Yes, I am going to depart from this world. Honestly I can't block, forbid or curse mankind regarding use of these inventions and theory.
But I just wonder why this 33 year long excessive torture? When I was in 6th class I stole pen of my classmate and threw it in well. But I did it because my many pens were stolen. When I was 20, I stole or casually took 50 paisa of my friend to buy cigarette. And just few days ago when I was suffering from excessive hunger I stole ten rupees from Mandir dakshina. Yes, I have killed menacing lizards. Yes, I have watched Internet porn, (but YOU know I haven't even physically touched any woman till date). These are the only crimes I made in whole life. 33 year long extreme torture for these crimes? YOU know I don't care what the world think about me after my death. You have connected my birth with all religions. If it is plan to make me some kind of Prophet in the eyes of mankind, then I forbid you and all the mankind. YOU should grow up and stop doing such thousands of years old stupid things which I hated my whole life.
Even if this Bramhastra works, I WILL NEVER DISCLOSE ITS MECHANISM TO ORDINARY PEOPLE ON STREETS. I don't want innocent people and children to die or get injured in your apocalyptic design. I don't even want evil people to die in painful way.
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